Venezuela Live Aid: Star-Studded Concert Rocks Border as Tensions Boil OverJared WadeFebruary 19, 2019September 22, 2020 by Jared WadeFebruary 19, 2019September 22, 2020 Maluma, Alejandro Sanz, and Luis Fonsi headlined a massive concert in Cucutá that was the most high-profile development...
More LatAm Leaders Call on Maduro to Step DownJared WadeJanuary 23, 2019September 22, 2020 by Jared WadeJanuary 23, 2019September 22, 2020 Yet another regional president has called for the long-time Venezuelan head to step down in favor of opposition...
How to Handle a Migration CrisisJared WadeAugust 17, 2018September 22, 2020 by Jared WadeAugust 17, 2018September 22, 2020 While the situation on the border remains dire, IACHR praised a Colombian response that has been "without a...
Colombia’s New President Must Manage a Polarized Nation with a Precarious EconomyJared WadeAugust 8, 2018September 22, 2020 by Jared WadeAugust 8, 2018September 22, 2020 While the peace process and divisive politics in Bogotá will be thornier issues, Duque's management of the economy...